Since I just started this blog recently, you have not heard from me while I have been pregnant this is how my first trimester goes....I have NEVER had morning sickness, I joke and say that I eat my way through the first trimester...ha ha....usually I gain 10 lbs before my first dr visit, and then once I am out of the first trimester I am on a restricted diet, and I either slowly lose that extra that I put on....well, this time I am NOT going to eat my way through the first 12 weeks, I am going to stick to a strict diet right from the start, so far I have been eating very healthy and I haven't had any extra sugars, or bad carbs, and I am feeling great!!! It really helps that I have already made healthy changes to my diet :) I have actually started losing again....gotta love those pregnancy hormones :) So, I went to GNC and got some "Amazing Grass" Wheat was VILE, FOUL, and DISGUSTING!!!! I only mixed it with water, so I am going to keep trying some new ways to drink it.....I will either get use to it or find a way to stand it.....I am going to try mixing it with my V8 tomorrow....we will see how that goes :) So, my new diet regimen has consisted of high protien and healthy carbs, and I am trying to make sure I get morning, afternoon, and evening snacks in....snacks are hard for me to remember.....I just get really busy, and forget......also, I have stopped most of the tea drinking, cause I can't really find any info that says it is beneficial to drink a lot of tea, it all says moderation, so I am keeping the cinnamon tea, and that will be my caffeine for the day, too......I think it might have a little caffeine, but far less than the coffee I usually drink :) I don't intend to give up my coffee, I just will severely limit it while I am in my first trimester :)
I am really excited about meeting the newest member of my family, and I am also excited to see how eating right, and staying active will make a difference in how I feel and how quickly I recover from delivery :)
I hope you all have a great day :) I am going to get back to fixing dinner (portabella Mushroom caps with ground beef, asparagus and cheese inside :) YUMMY.....and then I am gonna get some laundry folded....really big excitement over here :)
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