Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I am BACK!!!!

I have missed blogging!!! The main reason I didn't blog during my pregnancy, is cause I really didn't have anything to blog about that you couldn't read on pretty much any other pregnancy blog....and that isn't what I started this blog was my weight gain/loss during and after pregnancy.....I gained a BEAUTIFUL baby girl named Lydia Abigail....I would post a picture, but can't seem to figure out how to get one posted :(  What else did I gain.....THIRTY POUNDS!!!! The most I have ever gained with ANY, no ALL my pregnancies put together.....well, don't get too worked up over it, cause I lost every ounce of it in 9 days.....nope that is not a typo.....NINE DAYS.....Please don't hate me....8lbs and 7 oz of it was Lydia, the rest must have been now I am almost 3 months past being pregnant, and I am 3 lbs heavier than I was a month, the myth about losing weight while nursing seems to be just that....A MYTH....ha ha....Well, I bought this book, "The Plan".....Dr. Oz endorses it, and it is all about reactive foods and inflammation in the, it sounded like EXACTLY the problems I have been, I have started another cleanse, the last one was hardcore and really worked well for me.  This one is quite a bit easier and so far seems to be also working well.....this drinking enough water thing is KILLING you know, I really am bad about drinking enough, but on the up side, ever since I started drinking my gallon plus of water, I have also been producing more milk (also a constant struggle for me) I am on day 2 of my detox, and so far have lost 4 lbs :) Pretty good start :) I have been eating things like Kale, and Beet/Carrot salad.....not something I would have picked, but it really has tasted much better than I expected, I am actually enjoying it :) It is hard to blog while nursing, and that seems to be the only time I sit down, but I am going to try to write daily, but I am not making any promises :) I don't want to put too many details about "The Plan" diet in my blog, because a lot of research and time was taken to write the book and I want the author to get the credit she deserves, but I will encourage you to get a copy, it is only 20 days of your life, and if it works like it has for me, it will be well worth the $16 investment :) Well, I am off to feed my sweet baby, but I will try to blog some more tomorrow :)