Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cleaning = Exercise

GREEN TEA!!!!! I got this from Wal-Mart, and I have been drinking it like CRAZY, I brew 2 bags in just a small amount of water, and then I add ice and more water, till it is around 20-30 oz total, (with ice) I think I add one pack of splenda, but can't remember for sure, I may have drank it plain :) If your looking for a healthy way to get more energy, and you normally find tea to not be that great, I encourage you to try this one :)  I have had a very productive day, busy getting my office completely emptied out, and then putting everything back in an orderly manner.  For me, I have found that once I start trying to get my life together in one area, I need to work on new areas too, seems that if I just do one thing, then the other things that are weighing down my life get in the way of accomplishing my I am starting with the one room I have ignored on PURPOSE....I had a little bit of a tough time today, cause I had to go through Kyndall's things that I just stuffed in a cabinet to deal with another day, well today was the day, and I got through it :) There were a few tears, and lots of sighs, but I made it!!!! I have found that many things in life that are difficult, don't get any easier if you put them off or ignore them, you have to seize the day, and deal with it.....yeah, it will be HARD, but that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger :)

  I am sure you remember my rant from yesterday about being a SNAIL!!!! Well, I just plugged in my slim coach, and it said I am a RABBIT!!! Wouldn't you know it, I skipped past the turtle AND the penguin :) A rabbit is a moderate lifestyle that includes 2-3 times per week where I participate in planned 30 minute exercise.....YES, that's ME!!!!! I AM A RABBIT!!! My next goal is....dolphin :) I have to admit, I am glad to be past the "dumpy" animals...ha ha.....the rest from here on out are fun ones, like a dolphin, horse, shark and cheetah :) I don't know that I will ever make it to cheetah, but it is something to shoot for :)  So, all I have done today is work in my office, and I went outside this afternoon and planted some plants :) AND I still managed to get 34 minutes of accelerated heart rate, and I burned 860 active calories :) I didn't even go work out today, I also walked almost 13,000 steps today :) I really love my slim coach, it helps me stay motivated :) I would have never thought I could accomplish so much health wise on a day like today, I would have felt like I failed to exercise, but it turns out I did!!!! So, now I will talk about my dinner today.....I had a roll at Bob Evans with dinner, and I had 1/4 of a cookie :) That's right, I am smiling, cause I was in control, I chose this meal, it didn't choose me, and I decided that I would enjoy my meal, and not feel like I failed or cheated.....I have not had bread in 4 weeks, and I have only had a teeny bit of sugar on the day after my cleanse ended, so I felt like it was ok to "indulge" a little, so I got a cookie and shared it with my whole family, we all ate 1/4, and I gave Josh and Josiah the fattest half, and gave myself the smallest piece :) I don't feel bad at all, and it turns out, according to my slim coach, I am eating only half of the calories that I burn each day, so that is certainly going to show up on the scale, AND one dinner isn't going to mess it up :) So, what are you doing to get your life in order??? What are you doing to be accountable for the things in your life that you can change for the better ???? :) Have a good Sunday, tomorrow :)

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