Monday, April 16, 2012

First Day---Post Cleanse

Today, more than ever before, I am convinced that doing a 3 week cleanse is a great idea.....I really encourage each of you, to not only try, but to complete it :)  I haven't had any pop....I really am going to quit that stuff for good....I really gave myself permission to eat whatever today, but I found myself WANTING to eat the healthy food that I have been eating....I really didn't live my life to eat, today.....I wasn't really that hungry and when I was feeling hungry, it didn't seem to really matter....I think to some small extent, I have trained myself to not feel like I had to be eating all the time....I think that sometimes I eat out of boredom...It is important to pinpoint the reason for giving in to your cravings, and why your even having them......I have had 3 weeks of sitting here at night, doing everything I can to NOT think about what I would like to eat....and now that I can have what I want, I find myself spending a lot more time thinking about it, then just getting up and getting it.....I have opened the fridge several times today to try to figure out what to eat, and the only thing I have in there is healthy stuff, so that limits my opportunities for choosing poorly......I have said for years that the battle of healthy eating isn't fought in your is fought in the grocery store....for that matter, whatever vice you have that you are trying to curb or get rid isn't fought at is when you are at the store and you CHOOSE to buy those cookies, or those cigarettes, or that beer or pop......If we can be strong enough in the grocery store, then when we are having a weak moment at home, there is nothing there to tempt us :) I had a good workout today, according to my slim coach, I have burned nearly 1,000 calories today, and I my calorie consumption has been less than my calorie burn :) I think I am going to need to work harder and longer at the gym, cause although my water aerobics class is getting my muscles working, and it IS getting my heartrate up, it isn't getting my heart rate into that fat burning phase for very is just spurts throughout the work out......I will keep working at it and try to figure out how to the the most out of my routine....cause toning and tightening is good too....but I really need to burn off some of this extra cushioning :)  Also, I took on the long awaited project of cleaning out my office....this includes cabinets in there and also the closet (queue sinister music....da da dummmmmm) I have most of the stuff that was in my office, in pile around my living room....and I have half of the closet cleaned out, still have one more half to go before I can start on the cabinets, once everything is empty, I can start putting things back in an organized fashion.....the reason this is such a big project, is that the cabinets have Kyndall stuff in them, so I have avoided cleaning them out....lots of people have said, "take your time, you can do it when your ready".....the problem with that is....since I am avoiding cleaning out her stuff, there is no place to put OTHER stuff, so it ends up NOT in its place, so until I make places for things, they will continue to get more cluttery, and also, I cannot use what I cannot I need to get this thing fixed....I have a lot of big sewing projects coming up, and I need to be able to sit in front of my sewing machine :) So, I have decided that the way I will feel more (I want to say in control, but that is the wrong word to use) useful in my life, I really need to just DO the things that I can do....I can't sit around and wait for the "thin fairy" to come and make me thin and healthy.....I can't wait for some random maid to come to my house and get me organized....these are things that I can do for myself, I have chosen to just sit around and wait for the perfect day or time to get these things now that I am in a fixing mood, I don't want to stop with just my health.....I want to make my house everything that it can be, is amazing how making just small changes to your life, for the better......can cause far reaching affects (it should be noted that making even small bad changes can do the same thing only with a negative result) I think we as humans are so mercurial (look it up...hee hee) that small changes affect us in big ways......a reason to keep a constant vigil over our choices, cause before you know it you are somewhere you never wanted to be in life.....My new goals for my post cleanse are as follows:  I have decided that if I lose 10 pounds a month, I will be pretty close to my goal weight in 10-12 months :) So, I am going to focus on losing 3 lbs a week....I think this is a very attainable goal, if I stick to my food and exercise instead of thinking about losing 120lbs, I am going to focus on 3 pounds for this week....that is long as I can lose 3 lbs a week, then the big goals will be met...there is no reason for me to overwhelm myself with that BIG number....just 3....that is the only number I am going to focus that rate, I will be seeing the numbers drop pretty quickly :) Have you set a small attainable goal??? Or are you feeling overwhelmed with the task as a whole :) Oh, and for those of you who were wondering....I DID have the chocolate egg AND some coffee today....the chocolate/peanut butter egg was just ok, and it didn't give me extreme pleasure, nor was it disgusting, so I don't think I am just needing to eat sweets anymore, and the coffee.....the COFFEE was WONDERFUL!!!! I LOVED EVERY SIP!!!! I had it with some half and half and a packet of Splenda.....I know for certain that you will not hear me preaching about people giving up their coffee cause I have NO SUCH CONVICTION.... Have a great day!!!!

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